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The Wholesome Effect has custom-built diet and lifestyle foundation programs and packages to suit and support your family. The Foundation programs were designed to remove the stress, disharmony, and endless conflict from your household. Tools and strategies are provided to give parents and caretakers more significant time and energy for self-care and quality 'grown-up' time. The frustration and confusion of what to do and how to help your child is removed
The Wholesome Effect assists children and their families in adopting a healthy nourishing mindset around their health and wellness. Empowering you and your family with real-life effective strategies to make the wholesome fundamental changes necessary to improve your children's overall health and nuerobehavioural concerns.
Parents and caregivers are often overwhelmed by their situation and subsequent lack of real support and adequate resources. They can experience high daily stress, fatigue, overwhelm and burnout all while feeling the loneliness and isolation that unfortunately occurs.
I share my clinical wisdom and personal experiences, my love and compassion, and my motivation for improving our children's future. The Wholesome Effect adopts a very personal approach providing one-on-one in-person support from the comfort and convenience of your own home. Strategies are adapted to fit in with your family and lifestyle, setting you up for wholesome success. My packages are custom built, only delivering content and resources relevant to your family's actual needs. Dietary and lifestyle foundations are the essence of the success of the program to change one's environment to positively impact their health. I incorporate nutraceutical, homeopathic, and nutrigenomic prescriptions when indicated.
As children's mental health and emotional well-being is my passion, I am continually furthering my own education and knowledge to incorporate and optimise my wholesome programs
Why Involve the Entire Family?
The impact of childhood nuerobehvaioural issues affects the entire family and family dynamic. This contributes to stress for the whole family and often creates an unhealthy cycle between spouses, parents and children. Learning how to manage stress as a family will stop or slow the negative epigenetic changes in the brain that worsen your childs symptoms. Group lifestyle programs have a multitude of added bonuses, including greater compliance and success in adopting the necessary changes for improved quality of life and reduced risk of disease. By adopting the healthy changes as a family you successfully improve your environment. By mirroring to each other the same healthy changes, they become normal and habitual in your household. The child with the health concerns is not being further singled out and disconnected from the rest of the family.
The Wholesome Foundations program is a holistic health model encouraging long-lasting positive benefits on the entire family, empowering everyone to make healthier choices to change their environment and successfully manage their child's condition.
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Why a Diet and Lifestyle Program?
There is increasing evidence revealing our environment as the primary driver behind the epidemic rise in childhood neurological conditions, and is as important or even more important than your genetics. Your genes are not your destiny and can be regulated through epigenetics, as too whether your genes switch on or off. Epigenetics relates to the effects of ones behaviours and environment on their genetic expression. Our environment is something we can change. Our environment includes our lifestyle habits, the foods we eat and the water we drink, our sleep, what products we use on our skin and in our households, our stress and toxic burden and of course our physical environment. If a person’s environment is both a contributing and sustaining factor in mental health, families can positively impact this by modifying their environments through diet and lifestyle changes.
- 195 Australian dollars